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Version: v4.0.0

Endpoint validation

We provide support for endpoint validation, when implementing your own custom web hook.


The features described here require the following package:

PM> Install-Package Arcus.EventGrid.Security.WebApi

âš  This package used to be called Arcus.EventGrid.Security. Please make sure that you migrate towards Arcus.EventGrid.Security.WebApi as it's not being actively maintained beyond v3.2.

Azure Event Grid authorization#

Azure Event Grid authorization allows to secure your webhook with a secret key (taken from the query string or an HTTP header). This is required, because Azure Event Grid sends a validation request to a newly configured web hook, in order to prevent people leveraging Azure Event Grid to bring down a 3rd party API.

The implementation we provide, is echoing back the validation key on your operation, in order to have the validation by Event Grid out of the box.

Enforce authorization globally#

We created the EventGridAuthorizationFilter MVC filter that will secure the endpoint and handle the handshake.

using Arcus.EventGrid.WebApi.Security;using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
public class Startup{    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)    {        // Looks for the 'x-api-key' header in the HTTP request and tries to match it with the secret retrieved in the secret store with the name 'MySecret'.        services.AddMvc(options => options.Filters.AddEventGridAuthorization(HttpRequestProperty.Header, "x-api-key", "MySecret")));    }}

For this setup to work, an Arcus secret store is required as the provided secret name (in this case "MySecret") will be looked up. See our official documentation for more information about setting this up.


The EventGridAuthorizationFilter has some additional consumer-configurable options to influence the behavior of the authorization.

using Arcus.EventGrid.WebApi.Security;using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
public class Startup{    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)    {        // Looks for the 'x-api-key' header in the HTTP request and tries to match it with the secret retrieved in the secret store with the name 'MySecret'.        services.AddMvc(options => options.Filters.AddEventGridAuthorization(HttpRequestProperty.Header, "x-api-key", "MySecret", options =>        {            // Indicates that the Azure Event Grid authorization should emit security events during the authorization of the request (default: `false`).            options.EmitSecurityEvents = true;        })));    }}

Enforce authorization per controller or operation#

We created the EventGridAuthorizationAttribute attribute that will secure the endpoint and handle the handshake. The attribute can be placed on both the controller as the operation.

using Arcus.EventGrid.WebApi.Security;using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
[Route("events")][ApiController]public class EventController : ControllerBase{    // Looks for the 'x-api-key' header in the HTTP request and tries to match it with the secret retrieved in the secret store with the name 'MySecret'.    [EventGridAuthorization(HttpRequestProperty.Header, "x-api-key", "MySecret")]    public IHttpActionResult Get()    {        return Ok();    }}

For this setup to work, an Arcus secret store is required as the provided secret name (in this case "MySecret") will be looked up. See our official documentation for more information about setting this up.


The EventGridAuthorizationAttribute attribute has some additional consumer-configurable options to influence the behavior of the authorization.

// Indicates that the Azure Event Grid authorization should emit security events during the authorization of the request (default: `false`).[EventGridAuthorization(..., EmitSecurityEvents = true)]

Azure Event Grid subscription validation#

This library provides an Azure Event Grid subscription validation. It can receive Azure Event Grid events from an Event subscription and validates the contents. This is described in full at the official Microsoft docs.

Enforce subscription validation per controller or operation#

We created the EventGridSubscriptionValidationAttribute attribute that will validate all the incoming requests. The attribute can be placed on both the controller as the operation.

using Arcus.EventGrid.WebApi.Security;using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
[Route("events")][ApiController]public class EventController : ControllerBase{    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    // For CloudEvents validation:    // When receiving an HTTP OPTIONS request, looks for the `WebHook-Request-Origin` request header.    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    // For Azure Event Grid validation:    // Looks for the `Aeg-Event-Type` header in the HTTP request, if it contains the `SubscriptionValidation` value the request body will be deserialized and validated.    // The action attribute will short-circuit the incoming request and return the validation result as an `SubscriptionValidationResponse`     // (see:    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    [HttpGet, HttpOptions]    [EventGridSubscriptionValidation]    public IActionResult Validation()    {        return Ok();    }}

Use subscription validation in Azure Functions#

The security library called Arcus.EventGrid.Security.AzureFunctions provides subscription validation as a dedicated service as shown in the example below.

The features described here require the following package:

PM> Install-Package Arcus.EventGrid.Security.AzureFunctions

Make sure you register the Azure EventGrid validation in the Startup:

using Arcus.EventGrid.Security.Core;
[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(Startup))]
public class Startup : FunctionsStartup{    public void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)    {        builder.Services.AddEventGridSubscriptionValidation();    }}

This registration allows you to use the IEventGridSubscriptionValidator within your Azure Function:

using Arcus.EventGrid.Security.Core.Validation;
public class AzureMonitorScaledFunction{    private readonly IEventGridSubscriptionValidator _eventGridSubscriptionValidator
    public AzureMonitorScaledFunction(IEventGridSubscriptionValidator eventGridSubscriptionValidator)    {        _eventGridSubscriptionValidator = eventGridSubscriptionValidator;    }
    [FunctionName("azure-monitor-scaled-app-event")]    public async Task<IActionResult> Run(        [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", "options", Route = "v1/autoscale/azure-monitor/app")] HttpRequest request)    {        // Option #1: CloudEvents support.        if (HttpMethods.IsOptions(request.Method))        {            IActionResult result = _eventGridSubscriptionValidator.ValidateCloudEventsHandshakeRequest(request);            return result;        }
        // Option #2: Azure EventGrid subscription event support.        if (request.Headers.TryGetValue("Aeg-Event-Type", out StringValues eventTypes)            && eventTypes.Contains("SubscriptionValidation"))        {            IActionResult result = await _eventGridSubscriptionValidator.ValidateEventGridSubscriptionEventRequestAsync(request);            return result;        }
        // Other logic...    }